Tuesday, November 27, 2007

If a change is made to the agent in the template and the design task runs, the agent is disabled in the mailfile and the &OnBehalfOf field removed

In Lotus Notes®, users have Editor access to their mailfiles. When a user enables the Out Of Office (OOO) agent, the AdminP task adds his/her name to the $OnBehalfOf field of the OOO agent and enables it. If a change is made to the agent in the template and the design task runs, the agent is disabled in the mailfile and the &OnBehalfOf field removed.

Notes is working as designed. If you must reenable the agents and repopulate the $OnBehalfOf field after the design task runs, you can create an agent to mark all administration requests in the Admin Request database to "run again" for OOO agent activation. This agent can be executed after signing the template and running the design task on server.
This agent would look through the documents in the admin.nsf database, find those documents with the item, ProxyAction = "108", and set the ModifiedFlag to "1". After the agent runs, type the following command in the console, "tell adminp process all".

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