Monday, October 15, 2007

Incomplete NSD after a Domino server crash

Your Domino® server crashes and the NSD file is incomplete.

The NSD will stop after running some time without any error message. When run manually. NSD does run to completion successfully.

In the Server document -> Basics tab -> Cleanup Script / NSD Maximum Execution Time field is set to 600.

Even though the faulty recovery is not enabled, the Cleanup Script /NSD Maximum Execution Time does apply to automatic NSD. In this case, nsd ran for 600 seconds and is being terminated, resulting in NSD terminating prematurely.

In Domino server 6.5.5, the auto nsd did finish in about 1 minute, even with the Cleanup Script/NSD Maximum Execution Time set to 30. (Faulty recovery not enabled)

This feature is to prevent nsd from running for too long to hinder Domino server restart. However, for some busy servers, it takes more than the default 5 minutes to finish. NSD needs to complete in order to troubleshoot the issue.

Increase Cleanup Script /NSD Maximum Execution Time from 600 to 1800. This field range is from 30 to 1800.

This will increase the time the Domino server is down from 600 seconds to 1800 seconds. In most cases, a complete nsd is required to determine the root cause of the issue.

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