Thursday, March 1, 2012

NSF Buffer Pool (Now know as UBM- Unified Buffer Manager) is responsible for caching disk I/O for all the databases on a server, improving the performance of the server. The Notes Index Facility(NIF) operates in the buffer and then Writes/Reads to disk if it needs to.

How NSF Buffer Pool calculated in Domino Servers?
By default domino calculates the NSF Buffer Pool Size based on the type of OS and amount of RAM installed. Roughly it allocates 3/8th of Installed RAM.  
Note: You can change the size of Buffer pool by adding a notes.ini entry “NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size_MB=” (Please refer this technote, before making any changes )

How to check how much buffer is in use?
In the server console enter this command

Note: Over 95 % is good but 99.9% is bad.

Refer the below technotes for more information.